Is Regrowing Hair Possible?

Discover How Men & Women Have Restored Their Hair Naturally Without Surgery or Pills...

With Cellustrious non-toxic, plant based peptide treatments.

I Didn’t Start Out Trying to Grow Hair…

But I made a stunning discovery while treating skin...

You see, I was a certified medical micropigmentation artist and collagen restoration therapist - in fact, I trained under one of the pioneers of microneedling.

My name is Misti Barnes and, I was working for a cosmetic surgeon and began developing my own techniques to improve the results of microneedling for patients with post-surgical scars and burns, using peptides.

Not only did I get great results with skin, but I was shocked to discover new hair was regrowing in areas after severe skin injuries had healed. That's when I realized I was onto something big.

The Adventure Begins

I began combining bone marrow stem cells with microneedling on patients with hair loss. During this time I refined the combination of needles, treatment intervals, and application to improve the success of my treatments.

I began sharing my discoveries…and was invited to present my research in journals and at medical conferences.

I was then asked to participate in hair loss clinical trials and train physicians in my microneedling techniques using bone marrow.

Ultimately, I was dissatisfied with the inconsistent results from bone marrow and realized peptides were where I needed to put the focus.

The idea of creating a truly effective natural solution that actually addressed the root cause of hair loss was very exciting to me.

A Radically Different Approach...

I went back to my research and scoured medical and scientific journals for clinical research on the rejuvenation power of peptides.

I was significantly influenced by the work of Dr. Loren Pickart, who studied the rejuvenating actions GHK, and invented GHK-Cu a peptide used for skin and hair regeneration.

I became even more convinced that combining my proprietary microneedling techniques with plant-based peptides could radically change hair restoration. During this time I poured myself into the study of the anatomy and physiology of hair, training with top international professionals, and became a certified Trichologist.

I teamed up with a leading biochemist (former head of R&D for Aveda, L’Oreal, and Estee Lauder), who holds 40 hair-related patents. Together, we led anecdotal trials using the protocols and product lines that would eventually become Cellustrious®.

How Cellustrious® Works:

In-Office Treatment Options or at Home Treatment Options

Welcome to Cellustrious®! We know how frustrating and stressful hair loss can be. If you’ve tried topicals, pills, shampoos, or painful injections without results, and are concerned about side effects, and the cost of surgery, you’ve come to the right place.

Most physicians will suggest surgery or medication (finasteride, minoxidil). Dermatologists will offer laser or PRP, or medications. Health sites push topicals or shampoos. The problem is none of them treat the underlying conditions that led to hair loss. Band-aid approaches don't work. We have to start from the inside.

Cellustrious® is a non-toxic approach; a patent-pending, plant-based peptide treatment that target the causes of hair loss. We’ll develop a plan and course of action tailored for you.

5 Easy Steps:



with a Trichologist to see if you're a good candidate for treatment.



We'll develop a plan specifically for you, based upon your situation.


HOME TREATMENTS: Easy-to-use, non-toxic products delivered to your door; applied in the privacy of home.


PRO SUPPORT: Regular follow-ups with your Trichologist.



5 Easy Steps:

To More Hair & More Confidence



You'll consult

with a Trichologist to see if you're a good candidate for treatment.



We'll develop a plan specifically for you, based upon your situation.



Easy-to-use, non-toxic products delivered to your door; applied in the privacy of home.



Regular follow-ups with your Trichologist.



Patient & Physician Feedback

"A Natural and Effective Treatment That People Can Really Benefit From"

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The Hair Solutions Clinic | Cellustrious

Phone: (727) 591-4420

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